Residential Programs

Lee Parker House - Dallas, Polk County
This adult residential group home serves four persons whom are generally older with moderate to substantial medical needs. There may be some mild to moderate challenging behavior. Each person has Intellectual/Developmental Disability (I/DD). The program is a one level home, wheelchair accessible building with accessible bathrooms and a medium sized backyard with a large deck. The house is near bus services, several blocks off a busy street, and a relatively short walk to stores and shopping. Staff (Direct Care Professionals or DSP) are trained well in behavioral, mental health, and medical supports including Oregon Intervention Systems, Supportive Role, Reality Orientation, residential medical supports, as well as the SOI Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Plan. This program is managed by a Residential Coordinator with the assistance of a DSP-IV. Community Inclusion (i.e. Community Living) services available. In house Professional Behavioral services are available. In house RN services are available. Transportation generally provided as needed. Program located in a small city in Polk County, Oregon.

Anson Bell - Salem, Marion County
This residential group home serves three persons who are relatively capable physically but may have high level support needs behaviorally. Anson Bell is a hardened home and the physical structure is a horseshoe design with a partially covered courtyard and a circular driveway with large windows and very nice landscaping. The house is near bus services, a block off a busy street, and a relatively short walk to stores and shopping. There are sidewalks and protected street crossings. Staff (Direct Care Professionals or DSP) are trained well in behavioral, mental health, and medical supports including Oregon Intervention Systems, Supportive Role, Reality Orientation, residential medical supports, as well as the SOI Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Plan. Anson Bell is managed by a Residential Coordinator with the assistance of a DSP-IV. Community Inclusion (i.e. Community Living) services available. In house Professional Behavioral services are available. In house RN services are available. Transportation generally provided as needed. This program is located in a moderate sized city in Marion County, Oregon.

Charlie Haus - Keizer, Marion County
This adult residential group home is a duplex with two persons on one side and three on the other. This program supports persons with Intellectual/Developmental Disability (I/DD) with substantial medical issues and, generally, mild to moderate behavioral challenges. There is a dual driveway with substantial hedges and moderate sized enclosed back yard with a large deck and a partially covered concreted area. The floors and entry ways are level with the ground and easy for wheelchair access (as are the bathrooms, bedrooms, living rooms, and kitchens). The house is near bus services, several blocks off a busy street, and a relatively short walk to stores and shopping. There are sidewalks and protected street crossings. Staff (Direct Care Professionals or DSP) are trained well in behavioral, mental health, and medical supports including Oregon Intervention Systems, Supportive Role, Reality Orientation, residential medical supports, as well as the SOI Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Plan. Charlie Haus is managed by a Residential Coordinator with the assistance of a DSP-IV. Community Inclusion (i.e. Community Living) services available. In house Professional Behavioral services are available. In house RN services are available. Transportation generally provided as needed. This program is located in a smaller city in Marion County, Oregon.

Culver - West Salem, Polk County
This adult residential group home serves five persons whom are elderly seniors with substantial medical needs. There may be some mild to moderate violent / aggressive / destructive behavior. Each person has Intellectual/Developmental Disability (I/DD). The program is well trained and experienced in end of life supports. Culver is a one level home, wheelchair accessible. There is a large deck in the backyard and a covered side deck. The driveway is relatively steep. The house is near bus services, a half block off a busy street, and a relatively short drive / ride to stores and shopping. Staff (Direct Care Professionals or DSP) are trained well in behavioral, mental health, and medical supports including Oregon Intervention Systems, Supportive Role, Reality Orientation, residential medical supports, as well as the SOI Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Plan. Culver is managed by a Team Leader with the assistance of a DSP-IV. Community Inclusion (i.e. Community Living) services available. In house Professional Behavioral services are available. In house RN services are available. Transportation generally provided as needed. This program is located in a moderate sized city in Marion County, Oregon.

Bobby Braziel House - Dallas, Polk County
This adult residential group home is a duplex with an apartment upstairs and downstairs. The upstairs works best with persons whom have solid independence skills, especially being without constant staff presence. The downstairs (as it is ground/street level for easy access for persons using wheelchairs or walkers) has persons that typically have moderate to substantial medical / physical needs and may not express themselves in a typical fashion. The house is near bus services, several blocks off a busy street, and a relatively short walk to stores and shopping. There are sidewalks and protected street crossings. Staff (Direct Care Professionals or DSP) are trained well in behavioral, mental health, and medical supports including Oregon Intervention Systems, Supportive Role, Reality Orientation, residential medical supports, as well as the SOI Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Plan. Bobby Braziel House is managed by a Team Leader with the assistance of a DSP-IV. Community Inclusion (i.e. Community Living) services available. In house Professional Behavioral services are available. In house RN services are available. Transportation generally provided as needed. This program is located in a small city in Polk County, Oregon.

Forsythe - West Salem, Polk County
This adult residential group home serves five persons whom have a variety of physical needs with a history of violent / aggressive / destructive behavior and Intellectual/Developmental Disability (I/DD). Forsythe House’s physical structure is a one level home at street level (wheelchair accessible) with a large driveway, a large backyard patio and a covered side deck. The home has very nice landscaping. The house is near bus services, several blocks off a busy street, and a relatively short walk to stores and shopping. There are sidewalks and protected street crossings. Staff (Direct Care Professionals or DSP) are trained well in behavioral, mental health, and medical supports including Oregon Intervention Systems, Supportive Role, Reality Orientation, residential medical supports, as well as the SOI Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Plan. Forsythe House is managed by a Residential Coordinator with the assistance of a DSP-IV. Community Inclusion (i.e. Community Living) services available. In house Professional Behavioral services available. In house RN services are available. Transportation generally provided as needed. This program is located in a moderate sized city in Polk County, Oregon.

Harbaugh House - Salem, Marion County
This residential group home has 8 apartments, (4 one bedroom and 4 two bedroom) under one roof in a one level complex that is wheelchair accessible. The bathrooms have bathtubs that are not accessible with one shared bathroom that has a roll in shower. The apartment doors open to large hallways, an entry seating area, a central dining room and a medication room. There is nice landscaping with a fountain pond in the front and a substantially large yard. There is a large side outside deck. The house is near bus services, on a busy street, near a school and a relatively short walk to stores and shopping. There are sidewalks and protected street crossings. “Harbaugh House” serves persons with higher independence skills (verbal, able to manage their own hygiene, and may be able to be independent in their community activities, including their vocation). This program supports persons with Intellectual/Developmental Disability (I/DD) with mild to moderate behavioral challenges. Staff (Direct Care Professionals or DSP) are trained well in behavioral, mental health and medical supports including Oregon Intervention Systems, Supportive Role, Reality Orientation, residential medical supports, as well as the SOI Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Plan. Harbaugh House is managed by a Residential Coordinator (temporarily Acting Team Leader) with the assistance of a DSP-IV. Community Inclusion (i.e. Community Living) services available. In house Professional Behavioral services available. In house RN services are available. Transportation generally provided as needed. This program is located in a moderate sized city in Marion County, Oregon.

Monmouth Program - Monmouth, Polk County
This adult residential group home serves three persons whom have substantial medical support needs and have Intellectual/Developmental Disability (I/DD). Monmouth’s physical structure is a one level home at street level (wheelchair accessible) with a driveway, a large back patio (wheelchair safe), and a fenced yard. The house has a warm, quiet, home atmosphere and it has very nice landscaping. The house is near bus services, several blocks off a busy street, and a relatively short walk to stores and shopping. There are sidewalks and some protected street crossings. The persons residing here have a strong interest in electronics (computers, games, entertainment). They enjoy being included in the community, going to parties and dances and other activities, going on vacations and working or attending a community inclusion (i.e. community living) program. Staff (Direct Care Professionals or DSP) are trained well in behavioral, mental health, and medical supports including Oregon Intervention Systems, Supportive Role, Reality Orientation, residential medical supports, as well as the SOI Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Plan. Monmouth House is managed by a Residential Coordinator with the assistance of a DSP-IV. Community Inclusion (i.e. Community Living) services available. In house Professional Behavioral services available. In house RN services are available. Transportation generally provided as needed. This program is located in a small city in Polk County, Oregon.

Jane Duke House - Silverton, Marion County
This is a five bed residential group home that serves mature adult persons with intellectual / developmental disability and medical, behavioral challenges. The home’s physical structure is a horseshoe design with a courtyard, nice backyard, very nice landscaping, and a short driveway. The house is near bus services, several blocks off a busy street, and a relatively short drive or ride to stores and shopping with sidewalks. Staff (Direct Care Professionals or DSP) are trained well in behavioral, mental health, and medical supports including Oregon Intervention Systems, Supportive Role, Reality Orientation, residential medical supports, as well as the SOI Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Plan. This program is managed by a Residential Coordinator (temporarily Acting Team Leader) with the assistance of a DSP-IV. Community Inclusion (i.e. Community Living) services available. In house Professional Behavioral services available. In house RN services are available. Transportation generally provided as needed. This program is located in a smaller city in Marion County, Oregon.

South Fork - Dallas, Polk County
This adult residential group home serves three persons whom are medically fragile and have Intellectual/Developmental Disability (I/DD). South Fork’s physical structure is a one level home at street level (wheelchair accessible) with a driveway, a covered side deck, and a large fenced yard. The home has very nice landscaping. Staff (Direct Care Professionals or DSP) are trained well in behavioral, mental health, and medical supports including Oregon Intervention Systems, Supportive Role, Reality Orientation, residential medical supports, as well as the SOI Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Plan. South Fork is managed by a Residential Coordinator with the assistance of a DSP-IV. Community Inclusion (i.e. Community Living) services available. In house Professional Behavioral services available. In house RN services are available. Transportation generally provided as needed. This program is located in a small city in Polk County, Oregon.
Supported Living
We provide Supported Living services in a person’s own living situation (i.e. we do not provide any physical locations for Supported Living). Staff (Direct Care Professionals or DSP) are trained well in behavioral, mental health and medical supports including Oregon Intervention Systems, Supportive Role, Reality Orientation, residential medical supports, as well as the SOI Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Plan. Supported Living services are managed by a Residential Coordinator with the assistance of a DSP-IV. In house Professional Behavioral services available. In house RN services are available. Transportation generally provided as agreed. This program is located across both Marion and Polk Counties, Oregon.